Full Moon Ride Schedule [From BA 42-100]
Based on John Mosley’s Phases of the Moon, Griffith Observatory
Meet wherever you are with a few others. Start riding at midnight from a common point. Make a goal of turning off your lights and rambling for a few minutes in silence. Think of the fact that the moon is full but once a month or so and, if it’s not cloudy, you can see this entirely different celestial orb right up there in the dark nothingness that is our concept of the night sky. Ride slowly at this time and be well-mannered; dark is a wonderful though dangerous time. The world is often quite stunning when seen from the saddle of a bicycle.
But nights can be chilly, even in summer. This chill will inevitably remind you of autumn that approaches in the distance, and beyond that, winter, a time when riding your bicycle is more acutely painful. But that time is not now. This is one of the longest days of the year and you will have made the most of it.