Full Moon Ride Schedule [From BA 43-100]
"Set a course then ride on, breaking any iciness that would otherwise thwart you as you go."
from BA 43-100
Based on John Mosley’s Phases of the Moon, Griffith Observatory
What we mean is, it's time, friends, to prepare. Pack it in and put things back where they belong. You won't regret doing things diligently, even if it takes more time than you would like. The only shortcut is to unimpressive, unfulfilling work. If not built well your wheel will lose its truth.
But this full, chilly hunter’s moon lingers above the horizon for long alluring hours. The cold strengthens you, so do not waver. Hunker down and think. Rest, restore, and re-align your thoughts with the brightening stars of winter. Set a course then ride on, breaking any iciness that would otherwise thwart you as you go.
What do you long to howl for? Your hands and face are frosty and weak, but that can't stop you now. The frigid fog cloaks you, wraps you in its October embrace, from which you yell into the sky your lovely, untold plans.
The moon will hear and ponder, so watch closely now—it'll repeat it back to you, a record of your declaration filed away deep among the quilted night, one among millions of moon-rays shining like tiny flames through the thickening midnight mist.